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Affordable homes

One third of our homes are provided as Private Affordable Rent properties. This means that if you are eligible for an affordable home, you will only pay 80% of the market rent for it, and you will not need to pay any management or service charges.

Same home.. but affordable

All of our affordable properties are exactly the same specification as the open market homes, and they are located throughout the schemes and are indistinguishable from the open market homes.

Affordable rent conditions

You will be eligible for an affordable home if your household needs cannot be met because of local income and local house prices and you meet three conditions:

Condition one

You currently live, work or have lived within the boundaries of the borough of Warrington for 6 of the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years.


Have immediate family (parent, sibling, child or adoptive parent, sibling or child) who are currently living within the boundaries of the borough of Warrington and have done so for at least 5 years.

Condition two

You will occupy an affordable rent property as your sole residence.

Condition three

You do not own or part own any other property.

Find out more

If you think you meet the conditions for affordable rent and want to find out more about the developments, properties or how to apply, please get in touch.

All enquiries

Please call

07581 024577