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Private rental and private affordable rented properties

We are a high quality house builder providing a mix of both private rental and private affordable rented properties throughout Warrington. We believe we understand how people want to live, which is reflected in the efficient design of our homes in desirable locations. We pride ourselves in offering bespoke, sustainable, low carbon homes that are based upon the principles of safe and inclusive communities.

Sycamore  - Phase 1 Development

Modern design

Each of our homes are bespoke to the locality. They are designed to provide the highest possible standards of accommodation in attractive and safe neighbourhoods. Each home exceeds the requisite standards of thermal efficiency and is designed around the needs of the family.

Worker fixing solar panels to a roof

Low carbon

Our homes are powered by cheap and clean green energy. They have solar panels that provide some free electricity to our tenants, reducing annual bills, and heat pumps that provide ample amounts of heat and hot water when required.  The result is sustainable living at a far lower cost than traditional houses.

Mother and young daughter at home

For the future

Our homes are adaptable to the changing needs of families, and are built specifically to accommodate future advances in technology.